Aegir Insights launches advanced decision tools for offshore wind

May 14, 2020
2 min read
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Aegir Insights launches Aegir Analytics and Aegir Portfolio, a set of decision tools to support offshore wind investment analysis, project assessment and corporate strategy. Aegir’s tools cover both floating and fixed bottom offshore wind, and have a flexible deployment approach to meet the needs of developers, investors and regulators.

Beat complexity, discover value and measure performance. Aegir helps you make smarter decisions, faster with its advanced decision tools for offshore wind.

Aegir was founded with the aim to empower offshore wind developers, investors and regulators to make better decisions. Aegir has developed a set of decision tools with its expert industry partners that have unparalleled experience in competitive strategy, project development and technology. Aegir’s tools are targeted towards strategy, commercial and technical managers, but also financial advisers, investors and management consultants whom need competitive edge in the offshore wind industry.

Aegir Analytics is a powerful project assessment tool that lets users to rapidly evaluate business cases and designs. Aegir Analytics combines resource assessment, installation simulation, project budgeting and financials under one single platform. Users can change turbine parameters, scale projects up or down, change site characteristics - Aegir Analytics handles it seamlessly and provides insights through intuitive, visual dashboards.

Aegir Portfolio is a portfolio strategy tool that allows rapid visualisation and scenario planning for corporate portfolios. Users can optimise development pipelines, evaluate portfolio resources, benchmark returns and analyze committments - Aegir Portfolio handles it seamlessly and provides insights through intuitive, visual dashboards.

Both tools come pre-populated with floating and fixed bottom reference projects based on public data sources, allowing users to quickly get orientation.

Aegir appreciates the critical sensitivity of investment data, so has developed a novel delivery solution either as a web engine which interfaces with user desktop data, or can develop bespoke inhouse solutions for maximum flexibility. Aegir’s decision tools are available now, and will continue to develop features to push industry standards. For more information about Aegir tools or services, please contact us here.

"With Aegir Analytics and Aegir Portfolio, we set out to simply make the best investment decision and strategy tools for the offshore wind industry - and the first of its kind being offered as a product for developers, investors and regulators.  We have had extremely positive response from clients that have supported us in the development phase, and we are looking forward to connecting with more people from the industry that want to have the best in class tools.”

Scott Urquhart, Managing Director


Bankable intelligence for offshore wind decision-making.

Aegir Insights ApS

Aegir Insights
Havnegade 27 st,
1058 Copenhagen,

CVR no.: 39104792


Aegir Insights

Aegir Insights
Havnegade 27,
1058 Copenhagen,

CVR no.: 39104792

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