Aegir Wavelength: AR6 and beyond – where does UK offshore wind need to go from here?

September 10, 2024
2 min read
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On 3 September, the UK Contract for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round 6 (AR6) concluded, where a record-high budget resulted in 5.3 GW of capacity awarded – but with 1.6 GW being re-bids from previous rounds. The AR6 also resulted in the UK awarding CfD to the first commercial scale floating project in Europe.

Did this bring UK offshore wind back on track for its ambitious 2030-target of 60 GW, and have we moved on from the turmoil around AR5?

Join us for Aegir Insights’ next 15-minute Wavelength Intelligence Briefing, "AR6 and beyond: Where does UK offshore wind need to go from here?". There, Market Analyst Signe Tellier Christensen and VP Business Development Matthew Delany will unpack the surprising outcomes of the AR6, explore the unspent budget, and confront the ongoing backlog from previous rounds. Further, they will discuss the future and dynamics of the UK's offshore wind sector in pursuit of fulfilling the UK's ambitions and potential.

Save your spot for Friday, 13 September, at 14:00 CET.

Sign up for our next Aegir Wavelength here.

Wavelength Intelligence Briefings is Aegir Insights' digital briefing series. Dive into the key talking points and market developments in the offshore energy transition in a 15-minute, coffee-break format.

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Our latest Insights report, analyzing the UK AR6 results: "Was the UK AR6 spending spree enough?" can be accessed by our clients on the Aegir Platform.

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