Denmark has the opportunity to be the global frontrunner in digital services for the renewable energy sector and lead its digitalization.
Rikke Winther Nørgaard, Aegir Insights’ Co-Founder and CCO, has talked with Energy Cluster Denmark about this opportunity, explaining why digitalization of the energy sector could be a “green goldmine” for Denmark and how especially small to medium-sized cleantech companies will play a crucial role.
Denmark has history as a pioneer in renewable supply chains and is recognized as a world leading exporter of renewable technologies. The next export success story can be scalable digital services, like Aegir Insights, driving efficiency and accelerating renewable deployment globally.
“We must be quick to develop the energy sector in also providing digital-based solutions, otherwise we can lose momentum as one of the leading nations globally in green energy”.
Read the whole interview (in Danish) by following the link below:
Aegir Insights: ”Radikal innovation kræver frie rammer”