Where are the most competitive sites in India’s upcoming offshore wind auction?
India is making big strides towards offshore wind development, as the country's Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) in cooperation with the Danish Energy Agency recently published conceptual plans for 15 offshore wind areas with potential for more than 25 GW offshore wind.
Offshore wind focus on Tamil Nadu
Of the 15 areas, 14 are by the southern state of Tamil Nadu, due to better conditions here, namely higher wind speeds.
Only one area is outside of the Tamil Nadu-area and is instead located by the northern state Gujarat.
But which areas are most attractive in terms of Levelized Cost of Energy?
LCoE also lowest in Tamil Nadu
We used our Aegir GAMMA tool to quickly visualize LCoE levels across the 15 areas.
Our analysis shows that the Tamil Nadu areas offer the lowest cost offshore wind resources, which is largely due to its more competitive wind speeds, but there is significant variation between the blocks.
The blocks closest to shore are the most competitive, and also the focus of the first 4 GW-auction expected to be held in 2023, according the Draft Tender Document for Seabed Leasing of Offshore Wind Projects in Tamil Nadu currently under consultation.
Aegir Insights' offshore wind intelligence and software solutions
Aegir Insights’ Quant model and GAMMA solution allow users to get rapid overview of project economics and carry out regional screening in a fast and intuitive way.
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