Aegir Insights' VP Business Development Matthew Delany and Head of Engagement and Advisory David Vestergaard Thomsen will be keynoting and moderating at Asia Wind Energy Association’s upcoming 12th Asia Offshore Wind Day in Busan, South Korea on 3 September 2024.
Besides attending the conference in Busan, they will also stop by Seoul for a few days before and after the conference.
Want to meet up and get exclusive insights from Aegir Insights’ market intelligence on global offshore wind markets, including South Korea and the entire Asia-Pacific region?
Reach out to Matthew or David to align on a date and time to meet in Seoul or Busan.
We're looking forward to seeing you there!
Dive into Aegir Insights' previous coverage of developments in offshore wind markets in the Asia-Pacific region here.
And find the program for the 12th Asia Offshore Wind Day conference here.