Supply chain bottlenecks in North Sea offshore wind

November 19, 2024
2 min read
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What could be potential paths to overcome supply chain bottlenecks for an offshore wind build-out in the North Sea?

That's exactly what will be discussed at Wind Energy Denmark 2024 on 28 November in Odense.

Aegir Insights’ Co-founder and CCO Rikke Winther Nørgaard will be moderating a panel discussion on offshore wind supply chain bottlenecks with focus on the North Sea, where she will give a data-driven perspective on potential bottlenecks combined with an overview of offshore wind projects in pipeline globally leading up to 2030 and beyond. Participants from the supply chain will hereafter share their perspectives.

The biggest challenge in the wind industry right now is the limited capacity in the supply chain and an increased risk profile for financing projects. While this is a global trend, it is particularly evident in the North Sea, where many tenders are occurring simultaneously in the UK, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany.

Reach out to us to meet up at Wind Energy Denmark 2024 over a coffee and get some exclusive insights into Aegir’s intelligence and analysis.

North Sea offshore wind auctions snapshot: Denmark, Belgium, Norway

Would you like to take a tour around the upcoming North Sea offshore wind auctions in Denmark, Belgium, and Norway, and get exclusive insights from Aegir Insights' recently published analysis on these markets?

In Aegir Insights' last next Wavelength Intelligence Briefing 'North Sea offshore wind auctions snapshot: Denmark, Belgium, Norway', Thomas Hwan Jensen, Aegir's Principal - Regional Lead for Europe, and Senior Market Analyst Marios Dimos Chatzisideris gave a brief overview of the upcoming auctions in these three markets.

As Europe heads toward a record number of offshore wind auctions next year, this episode of Aegir Insights' Wavelength Intelligence Briefing focused on the strategic opportunities and risks surrounding the upcoming auctions in Denmark, Belgium, and Norway. Get straightforward insights into each market to stay informed in a rapidly changing offshore wind landscape.

Sign up here to access the webinar recording.

Wavelength Intelligence Briefings is Aegir Insights' digital briefing series. Dive into the key talking points and market developments in the offshore energy transition in a 15-minute, coffee-break format. Browse all previous Wavelength sessions here.

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