On 8 October 2024, the Danish Government reconfirmed their commitment to the Danish hydrogen infrastructure connecting western Denmark to Germany.
This decision is meant to provide certainty on the realization of the hydrogen pipeline prior to bid submission of the North Sea offshore wind tenders, and thus support an integrated offshore wind and hydrogen bid.
From the combination of high penetration of renewables and low electricity consumption, Danish hydrogen production is seen as an important route to market for offshore wind. However, Denmark currently has no notable domestic hydrogen consumption, which is why connecting Denmark to Germany is a key enabler for the emergence of a Danish hydrogen industry and a continuous built-out of renewable energy capacity.
The question is: Is the content of the decision too little and too late?
In our new Insights report, available to our clients, Aegir Insights analyses the potential for an integrated hydrogen and offshore wind solution for the North Sea offshore wind sites A1-A3, looking into ambiguities of financial-, project-, and technical risks in the presented hydrogen framework, as well as a view on the profitability of an integrated offshore wind and hydrogen wind farm at one of the upcoming auctioned North Sea sites.
To learn more, reach out to us here.
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