Was the UK AR6 spending spree enough?

September 4, 2024
2 min read
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The UK awards CfD to the first commercial scale floating project in Europe – but was the AR6 spending spree enough to get British offshore wind back on track?

In July, Aegir Insights published an Insights report on how the Green Volt project could sweep the entire budget allocated for floating projects in the UK’s Allocation Round 6, leaving the stepstone projects unsupported.

Yesterday, this is exactly what was announced in the CfD AR6 results. Among the large capacity of re-bids from the previous fixed-bottom AR4, the Green Volt project also succeeded in finding route to market as the first commercial scale floating project in Europe.

Today, we’ve published our take on the UK CfD AR6 results for both fixed-bottom and floating projects in a new Insights report available for clients only.

Interested in getting a glimpse of our new report on the AR6 results?

Reach out to us here to learn more

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Tagged: Europe · Floating wind · Market Intelligence · UK

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