Following last week’s update, the authorities in Belgium now expect to announce the auction for the first site in the Princess Elisabeth Zone by 14 November, a slight delay from the original date of 28 October 2024.
The upcoming Belgian auctions with 3.5 GW of capacity offer attractive sites, CfD support, and transmission costs paid by the TSO.
However, they are not making any headlines.
Are developers overlooking a prime opportunity to invest?
At Aegir Insights, we have published a new report, available to our clients, analyzing the opportunities of the Princess Elisabeth Zone sites in Belgium. This includes:
🔹LCoE merit order of 2025 auctions across Northwestern Europe.
🔹Pros and cons of the CfD scheme, auction structure and award criteria.
🔹Confirmed and potential bidders.
and more.
Interested in getting a glimpse of our new report?
Reach out to us here to learn more.
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