What does it take to succeed in deploying offshore wind in California?
While waiting for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s Final Sale Notice to kick off the California lease auction, Aegir Insights took a look at the already pre-qualified bidders listed in BOEM's earlier Proposed Sale Notice:
The vast majority of the pre-qualified bidders have offshore wind experience, and roughly half have experience with US offshore wind. All bidders except one have experience with the wider US energy industry.
Few pre-qualified bidders have deep-water experience
However, a big challenge for offshore wind in California is that it will be one of the first markets globally to require deep-water (700-1000 m) floating wind solutions at commercial scale – and only a small group of pre-qualified bidders have deep-water production experience prior to the auction.
Who will win in California and help unlock the global deep-water floating potential?
Aegir Insights recently published a comprehensive market report covering conditions and opportunities in the emerging Californian floating wind market to our subscribing clients.
If you want to know more about offshore wind opportunities and offshore wind auction in California, please reach out to us.