Levelized cost of energy has long been a ley term in offshore wind development. But is LCoE becoming less relevant for offshore wind development, as other traits may be valued higher than the pricetag?
This was amongst the discussion points when Aegir Insights’ Morten Kofoed Jensen presented this week at National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s sixth biannual Wind Energy Systems Engineering Workshop.
Social and economic merits as well as energy security are increasingly important in offshore wind
Morten presented on the topic of recent trends seen for LCoE in the offshore wind sector and noted the falling costs of offshore wind in general, but also highlighted the growing importance of for instance local content, system integration, energy security, and environmental and social merits as parameters of competition for offshore wind projects - both in competition with other renewables and with other offshore wind projects.
Aegir Insights’ products are evolving the industry and feature insights into both LCoE and a range of other parameters important to each specific market.
The Wind Energy Systems Engineering Workshop was hosted in collaboration with DTU Wind and Energy Systems and University of Colorado Boulder and takes place from the 30th of August to 1st of September.
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Aegir Quant is a comprehensive solution for advanced economic assessment in both fixed-bottom offshore wind and floating wind projects. Aegir Quant offers a holistic business view by integrating technology modeling, annual energy production (AEP), CAPEX, OPEX, installation logistics, financials, and more. In addition to evaluating individual project economics, Aegir Quant provides an instant portfolio overview for easy benchmarking, optioneering, or budget consolidation.