Offshore wind in Brazil: A market waiting to take off

August 22, 2023
2 min read
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With 74 projects in the pipeline, the offshore wind market in Brazil could take off with a boom.

The offshore wind market in Brazil has experienced a surge of interest in the recent years and is bursting with projects in the permitting pipeline at the environment ministry.

This significant uptick in activity is fueled by the country’s excellent conditions for offshore wind, the need to diversify its energy mix and green hydrogen opportunities.

  • Brazil has good wind speeds in vast, shallow areas, conveniently located close to large coastal load centers, areas with planned grid upgrades and clusters of hydrogen projects.
  • The country has a total technical potential of 1358 GW offshore wind, of which 554 GW is fixed-bottom potential.
  • This high potential combined with promising policy signals in recent years has resulted in Brazil’s offshore wind project pipeline growing from only seven projects in late 2020 to 74 projects in mid-2023, all currently lined up for environmental permits.

However, the last regulatory puzzle pieces still need to fall into place – the market will not move before the process for awarding seabed use rights is clear. The Brazilian government is currently working on a framework for offshore wind, which is said to come by the end of this year.

Will this framework finally enable the pipeline projects to secure seabed rights?

If so, 74 projects are ready to kick off the race and bring offshore wind into the energy mix – in fierce competition with both onshore renewables and each other, as many projects overlap in the most attractive areas.

Are you interested in a more detailed overview of the opportunities and latest developments in Brazil’s offshore wind market?

Aegir Insights has recently published new market reports analyzing the Brazilian offshore wind market. Reach out to us to learn more about Aegir’s offshore wind market intelligence and for more information on our newest market reports.


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